Saturday, November 21, 2009

Howdy Partner!

Happy Halloween from Rough, Tough, Cowboy Candon!

I'm a lean, mean, lassoin' machine! I had spurs, a lasso, a gun and holster, cowboy boots, all the rest of the stuff you can see in the picture. I didn't like my hat too much, but the rest was awesome! I kept trying to lasso me a Keeber but mom kept saying "be nice to Keeber"...she always says that! I love my cowboy boots, I would wear them everyday if I could!

Slugger Candon

Watch out! I'm going to hit a homerun! Mom said she wanted to put up the Christmas tree but since it was 68 degrees out we got to play outside instead! We went to the park too...actually 2 parks because I cried when we left the first one so Mom took me to another one :) I'm so sneaky!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Hello, Gwamma? My mom is making dinner and my daddy is still at work; Keeber is boring and plays outside without me; will you come play with me? I promise I will be a good boy :)

Skunky Candon

Mom! I think this costume is a little too small for me, my eyes are squished! Time to go shopping again!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Happy Candon

Happy Baby! Daddy's so funny :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


What? Don't tell me you haven't seen a Supercandon in a doggy cage before?! I just really love Barba (Baxter to the rest of you) and was hoping that he would come in there with me! I guess he's a little scared of Supercandons. Not surprising though because he's scared of everything. I try to lay down and cuddle with him and he jumps like 5 feet in the air! Silly puppy. I think we're going to steal him away from Grandma Joan, my mom and dad really like Barba.

Rocking Chair

Thank you Great Grandpa Lowell for my awesome rocking chair! It's pretty much my favorite toy right now! The only part I don't like is when I stand on it and my mom and dad yell "sit down!" I don't even know what that means....I'll just keep doing it, they'll stop yelling eventually right? :)

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Our family :)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Zoo 2

I forgot to put in a picture of daddy! He's the best. I love when he lets my ride on his shoulders!


I had so much fun at the zoo! We were at daddy's softball games in Madison so we got to go to the zoo between games. We had to stay at the Road Star Inn, which is not a hotel that Mom would usually stay in, so she said since she did that for dad then he had to take us to the zoo! It all worked out great for me; I got to sleep in the same bed with mom and I got to go to the zoo too! The goats were my favorite because they licked my hand! Mommy made me wash my hands for a long time after that! The carousel was fun too, Mom was turning a little green by the end though....
Overall it was a great weekend, I got to play in the dirt and the sand box and mom didn't even yell at me! (she doesn't like dirt)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bath time with Braylon!

I had so much fun with my cousin Braylon on Mother's Day weekend! We got to take a bath in the sink!!! Braylon kept trying to come in my side of the sink and he splashed a lot of water. I didn't try to get to his side because I was too busy holding onto the sprayer and.....umm....myself :) I'm a boy, that's what I do! Mommy kept taking water out of Braylon's side and putting it into mine! We were having lots of fun until I started practicing my yelling and it made Braylon cry...oopes :) After we got out we had to run to Walgreens to print off black and white pictures of bath time to give to Grandma Joan for Mother's Day...I think she loves us!

Saturday, April 18, 2009


The kitchen is my new favorite place to play. Mom thought she was being smart by putting things on the doors so I couldn't open them...well I guess she missed one! I made a pretty fun mess!


Mom got a new job so we got to go to Chicago with Grandma Joan while she was training. It was awesome! We stayed in a hotel with a pool! I'm not sure I really like pools as much as my bath, but I think I could get used to it.


My first Easter! Look at this bunny from Mel, it's bigger than me!


This is my attitude face, do you like it?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Spaghetti is my new favorite food! All of that "big boy" food from Gerber is grooooooosssss! Mommy's cooking is mmmmmm good. She even let me get my fingers dirty and I got to use the spoon myself! I hope we get this every night!

It's nice out mom! Let me out of this house! If Keeber gets to go out I should too!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sliding is awesome! So awesome that I have to squeeze my eyes closed everytime I go down! It's scary but I love it!


Swinging is so fun! Plus there was a really cute girl next to me on the swings, we were making eyes at each other the whole time...pretty sure I'm going to marry her someday.

Monday, March 16, 2009

My new favorite toy! I used to lay under this when I was a baby. But now I'm a big boy and I can crawl under it. I was scared to crawl through it at first, but I saw Keeber do it so I figured it was safe!
Grandma Joan came to take care of me for a couple of days. We got to play all day and I learned to stand really well! Mom says this bandanna makes me look cool and tough!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Pooh's bee flew into my mouth! I've been having a lot of fun with Daddy lately. Mommy says that she has to work a lot at night and on the weekends so Dad and I hang out. He lets me do lots of stuff that Mommy doesn't! Today I'm hanging out with Mommy though, we're having a great time watching the Girls Next Door! Doesn't mom think I'm too young for bunnies?! Oh well, I love it!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I love playing catch with my SpongeBob basketball. I roll it back to Daddy! I was getting my top big tooth so pretty much I've been red cheeked and grumpy for the past week. Mom says that's why I was getting up like 4 times at night. I think she was getting pretty tired. I can't help it though! It's through now so I'm sleeping better (mom says "knock on wood"...not sure what that means). Mom is leaving for New York in like a month so she says that I have to learn to sleep through the night so she doesn't have to worry about Daddy not waking up when I cry. I don't know why she's so worried though, whenever it's "Dad's night" to get up with me I sleep like an angel :) So when she's in New York I will catch up on my sleep so that when she gets back we can stay up all night together and cuddle!!!! :)

Visiting Cousins

We went to Wausau to visit my cousins and my Godparents! Here I am in my shades because we got to go sledding! Then I'm sitting on Uncle Craig's lap with Braydon (3 years) and Nathaniel (13 months). I look almost the same size as Nathaniel! Mom says it's because Nathaniel plateaued and I have not hit my plateau yet. I don't know what a plateau is but I hope it doesn't mean less milk...makes me nervous.....

We had lots of fun and I slept like a good boy! Mom says that we should visit more often!

Monday, January 19, 2009


I got to go sledding! This is another Daddy Daycare day (It was too cold for Dad to work, so we got to hang out for 2 days!). He bought me this awesome sled that I sit in the middle and can't tip over. I had fun at first, but then I got sleepy and almost took a nap!

Big Boy

Not sure why this picture is upside down......but anyways.....
I'm a big boy and can hold my bottle. Mom likes my cheeks in this picture ans says that she wants to kiss them all day long, I think that's why I have to get Vaseline on them every night!

Daddy Daycare

OMG! Dad put me on the kitty castle by myself! Mom is going to be sooooo mad! What if I fell? What if Keeber attacked me? This is what happens when Dad's in charge, we have lots of fun! Lots of dangerous fun!


So I'm learning to crawl...however I seem to be stuck in reverse! I can get all over the place...I just never go forward.


I woke up at 6:30AM so Daddy turned on SpongeBob and we had to be quiet to Mommy could sleep. I rolled and rolled until I got MY SpongeBob to hold while I watched! It was awesome, I'm always going to get up this early!

Monday, January 12, 2009


Mommy went wedding dress shopping with Rocky, so it was Daddy Daycare afternoon. He decided that the sink was the perfect size for me, this is how mom found me! Yikes! I will admit, it was kinda fun and comfy but I like when there's actually water so I can splishy splash!

Saturday, January 3, 2009


I love to yell! I'm working on crawling too but I think yelling is more fun and gets me more attention than crawling. Plus I have 3 teeth now, if you were cutting teeth you would yell too!

Here I am with my mommy and my favorite puppy! I like making my cheeks extra big because then I get more kisses from mom!

Tigger chair!

Santa got me and Braylon Tigger chairs! I felt like Maddie and Baxter were going to eat me so Braylon sang his number 1 hit single-Dumb Dogs Don't Mess With Me! Worked like a charm. I like Baxter though, he just licks me, Maddie would take a bite out of me I'm pretty sure.