Thursday, August 28, 2008

Bye mommy :(

My mommy went back to work this week. On Sunday night she cried after she fed me, then on Monday morning she was ok when she fed me but when I smiled and coo'd at her she cried again! She said that I am so cute and happy in the mornings that it makes it so hard to leave me, I didn't know what she meant at the time. Then she put me in my carseat and took me to Penny. I go see her everyday now I guess. Mom cried there too. I have to have bottles with Penny. They taste the same but I like mom better. Mom came back that afternoon to get me and I was so happy to see her! I think she's doing better now, she doesn't cry anymore when she drops me off. I try to be a good boy so she's not sad. I know she likes her job but I think she likes being with me better. She squeezes me pretty tight when she picks me up and she doesn't put me down very much at night. It's nice that this weekend is Labor Day so I get one more day at home with mom.

1 comment:

Sarah Nohr said...

Aww, Candon! Your post makes me want to cry. Tell your mom to hang in there. She's one tough little lady and we all know how hard it must be to leave you. She's the best, isn't she? :)