Monday, August 17, 2009

Happy Candon

Happy Baby! Daddy's so funny :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


What? Don't tell me you haven't seen a Supercandon in a doggy cage before?! I just really love Barba (Baxter to the rest of you) and was hoping that he would come in there with me! I guess he's a little scared of Supercandons. Not surprising though because he's scared of everything. I try to lay down and cuddle with him and he jumps like 5 feet in the air! Silly puppy. I think we're going to steal him away from Grandma Joan, my mom and dad really like Barba.

Rocking Chair

Thank you Great Grandpa Lowell for my awesome rocking chair! It's pretty much my favorite toy right now! The only part I don't like is when I stand on it and my mom and dad yell "sit down!" I don't even know what that means....I'll just keep doing it, they'll stop yelling eventually right? :)