Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas Cookies!

I got to make Christmas cookies with mom and dad! Mom let me lick the spoon...but I'm pretty sure she didn't have any dough on it! Bummer! Dad and I had fun playing with flour.

Pst santa, let me tell you what I want for Christmas. First, looks like I'm hungry so please bring me some milk. I would also like a pony and a llama and a cow and a puppy and a duckie and last but not least a lizard. Thanks.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Kitty Christmas

Santa...I've been a veeeeeery good kitty this year :) Don't listen to what mom has to say about me, she lies.

Life on the farm

Here I am at Auntie Beth and Uncle Mike's funny farm. Dad let Domino the calf lick my hand. You should have seen how fast mom got a wipie to wash it off! Then I got to sit in the hay by all of the puppies! They were jumping all over me. At first I didn't like it but then I realized that I was bigger than them and could squish them if I wanted to so then I liked it. Mom said we couldn't bring a puppy home with us :(

Back to me being cute...

I have a funny trick that I play on mom and dad; I only poo for Penny. So over Thanksgiving, I didn't poo for 5 days! So mom thought it might work if dad gave me a bottle, I guess she thought I would drink faster and it would just flush the poo out. Well, I showed her! No poo for me!

Dad loves my sunglasses and I figure if I'm such a big boy that I can hold my own bottle I can be a big boy and wear sunglasses.

Wow Dad...

Look at what my dad did to me! First he dresses me in my Thanksgiving outfit with my sweater vest and my hat! I was so embarrassed to see Penny like that, thank goodness I'm the only one at my daycare so no one saw me like this! Luckily mom and Penny took off my sweater and hat as soon as I got there!
And then when I was at Grandma and Grandpa Briggs' dad made me have plumber butt! He was taking me to the shower but still, leave my diapie on until we get there dad!
Why did mom let him do all of this to me?!